PB3D  [2.45]
Ideal linear high-n MHD stability in 3-D
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4 module vmec_ops
5 #include <PB3D_macros.h>
6  use str_utilities
7  use output_ops
8  use messages
9  use num_vars, only: &
10  &dp, max_str_ln, pi
11  use read_wout_mod, only: read_wout_file, read_wout_deallocate, & ! from LIBSTELL
12  &n_r_vmec => ns, & ! n_r
13  &xn, xm, & ! xn, xm
14  &lrfp, & ! whether or not the poloidal flux is used as radial variable
15  &phi, phipf, & ! toroidal flux (FM), norm. deriv. of toroidal flux (FM)
16  &iotaf, & ! rot. transf. (tor. flux) or saf. fac. (pol. flux) (FM)
17  &presf, & ! pressure (FM)
18  &bsubumns, bsubumnc, bsubvmns, bsubvmnc, bsubsmns, bsubsmnc, & ! B_theta (HM), B_zeta (HM), B_r (FM)
19  &jcuru, jcurv, & ! poloidal (FM) and toroidal (FM) current
20  &bmns, bmnc, & ! magnitude of B (HM)
21  &lmns, lmnc, rmns, rmnc, zmns, zmnc, & ! lambda (HM), R (FM), Z(FM)
22  &gmnc, gmns ! Jacobian in VMEC coordinates
23  use vmec_vars
25  implicit none
26  private
29 contains
33  integer function read_vmec(n_r_in,use_pol_flux_V) result(ierr)
37  character(*), parameter :: rout_name = 'read_VMEC'
39  ! input / output
40  integer, intent(inout) :: n_r_in
41  logical, intent(inout) :: use_pol_flux_v
43  ! local variables
44  integer :: id, kd ! counters
45  real(dp), allocatable :: r_v(:) ! normal coordinate
46  real(dp), allocatable :: l_c_h(:,:,:) ! temporary HM variable
47  real(dp), allocatable :: l_s_h(:,:,:) ! temporary HM variable
48  real(dp), allocatable :: jac_c_h(:,:,:) ! temporary HM variable
49  real(dp), allocatable :: jac_s_h(:,:,:) ! temporary HM variable
50  character(len=max_str_ln) :: err_msg ! error message
51  character(len=8) :: flux_name ! either poloidal or toroidal
52  real(dp), allocatable :: b_v_sub_c_m(:,:,:), b_v_sub_s_m(:,:,:) ! Coeff. of B_i in (co)sine series (r,theta,phi) (FM, HM, HM)
53 #if ldebug
54  real(dp), allocatable :: b_v_c_h(:,:), b_v_s_h(:,:) ! Coeff. of magnitude of B (HM)
55 #endif
57  ! initialize ierr
58  ierr = 0
60  call writo('Reading data from VMEC output "' &
61  &// trim(eq_name) // '"')
62  call lvl_ud(1)
64  ! read VMEC output using LIBSTELL
65  if (scan(eq_name, ".") .ne. scan(eq_name, ".", .true.)) &
66  &call writo('There seems to be a dot "." in "'//trim(eq_name)//&
67  &'". This can create problems.', alert=.true.)
68  call read_wout_file(eq_name,ierr) ! read the VMEC file
69  chckerr('Failed to read the VMEC file')
71  ! set some variables
72  n_r_in = n_r_vmec
73  allocate(flux_t_v(n_r_in,0:max_deriv+1))
74  allocate(flux_p_v(n_r_in,0:max_deriv+1))
75  allocate(rot_t_v(n_r_in,0:max_deriv+1))
76  allocate(q_saf_v(n_r_in,0:max_deriv+1))
77  allocate(pres_v(n_r_in,0:max_deriv+1))
78  use_pol_flux_v = lrfp
79  flux_t_v(:,0) = phi
80  flux_t_v(:,1) = phipf
81  flux_p_v(:,1) = iotaf*phipf
82  ierr = calc_int(flux_p_v(:,1),1.0_dp/(n_r_in-1.0_dp),flux_p_v(:,0))
83  chckerr('')
84  pres_v(:,0) = presf
85  rot_t_v(:,0) = iotaf
86  q_saf_v(:,0) = 1._dp/iotaf
87  if (use_pol_flux_v) then
88  flux_name = 'poloidal'
89  else
90  flux_name = 'toroidal'
91  end if
92  b_0_v = sum(1.5*bmnc(:,2)-0.5_dp*bmnc(:,3)) ! convert to full mesh
94  call writo('VMEC version is ' // trim(r2str(vmec_version)))
95  if (is_freeb_v) then
96  call writo('Free boundary VMEC')
97  else
98  call writo('Fixed boundary VMEC')
99  end if
100  if (is_asym_v) then
101  call writo('No stellarator symmetry')
102  else
103  call writo('Stellarator symmetry')
104  end if
105  call writo('VMEC has '//trim(i2str(mpol_v))//' poloidal and '&
106  &//trim(i2str(ntor_v))//' toroidal modes,')
107  if (ntor_v.gt.0) call writo('(basic toroidal field period NFP = '//&
108  &trim(i2str(nfp_v))//')')
109  call writo('defined on '//trim(i2str(n_r_in))//' '//flux_name//&
110  &' flux surfaces')
112  call writo('Running tests')
113  call lvl_ud(1)
114  if (mnmax_v.ne.((ntor_v+1)+(2*ntor_v+1)*(mpol_v-1))) then ! for mpol_V = 0, only ntor_V+1 values needed
115  err_msg = 'Inconsistency in ntor_V, mpol_V and mnmax_V'
116  ierr = 1
117  chckerr(err_msg)
118  end if
119  call lvl_ud(-1)
121  call writo('Updating variables')
122  allocate(mn_v(mnmax_v,2))
123  mn_v(:,1) = nint(xm(1:mnmax_v))
124  mn_v(:,2) = nint(xn(1:mnmax_v))
126  call lvl_ud(-1)
127  call writo('Data from VMEC output successfully read')
129  call writo('Saving VMEC output to PB3D')
130  call lvl_ud(1)
132  ! Allocate the Fourier coefficients
133  allocate(r_v_c(mnmax_v,n_r_in,0:max_deriv+1))
134  allocate(r_v_s(mnmax_v,n_r_in,0:max_deriv+1))
135  allocate(z_v_c(mnmax_v,n_r_in,0:max_deriv+1))
136  allocate(z_v_s(mnmax_v,n_r_in,0:max_deriv+1))
137  allocate(l_v_c(mnmax_v,n_r_in,0:max_deriv+1))
138  allocate(l_v_s(mnmax_v,n_r_in,0:max_deriv+1))
139  allocate(jac_v_c(mnmax_v,n_r_in,0:max_deriv))
140  allocate(jac_v_s(mnmax_v,n_r_in,0:max_deriv))
141  allocate(l_c_h(mnmax_v,n_r_in,0:0))
142  allocate(l_s_h(mnmax_v,n_r_in,0:0))
143  allocate(jac_c_h(mnmax_v,n_r_in,0:0))
144  allocate(jac_s_h(mnmax_v,n_r_in,0:0))
146  ! factors R_V_c,s; Z_V_c,s and L_C,s and HM varieties
147  r_v_c(:,:,0) = rmnc(1:mnmax_v,:)
148  z_v_s(:,:,0) = zmns(1:mnmax_v,:)
149  l_s_h(:,:,0) = lmns(1:mnmax_v,:)
150  jac_c_h(:,:,0) = gmnc(1:mnmax_v,:)
151  if (is_asym_v) then ! following only needed in asymmetric situations
152  r_v_s(:,:,0) = rmns(1:mnmax_v,:)
153  z_v_c(:,:,0) = zmnc(1:mnmax_v,:)
154  l_c_h(:,:,0) = lmnc(1:mnmax_v,:)
155  jac_s_h(:,:,0) = gmns(1:mnmax_v,:)
156  else
157  r_v_s = 0._dp
158  z_v_c = 0._dp
159  l_c_h = 0._dp
160  jac_s_h = 0._dp
161  end if
163  ! calculate data for normal derivatives with the toroidal (or poloidal)
164  ! flux, normalized wrt. to the maximum flux, equidistantly, so the step
165  ! size is 1/(n_r_in-1).
166  allocate(r_v(n_r_in))
167  r_v = [((kd-1._dp)/(n_r_in-1),kd=1,n_r_in)]
169  ! up to order 2, full mesh
170  do kd = 1,2
171  ierr = spline(r_v,q_saf_v(:,0),r_v,q_saf_v(:,kd),&
172  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=kd)
173  chckerr('')
174  ierr = spline(r_v,rot_t_v(:,0),r_v,rot_t_v(:,kd),&
175  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=kd)
176  chckerr('')
177  ierr = spline(r_v,pres_v(:,0),r_v,pres_v(:,kd),&
178  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=kd)
179  chckerr('')
180  ierr = spline(r_v,flux_t_v(:,0),r_v,flux_t_v(:,kd),&
181  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=kd)
182  chckerr('')
183  ierr = spline(r_v,flux_p_v(:,0),r_v,flux_p_v(:,kd),&
184  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=kd)
185  chckerr('')
186  end do
188  ! up to order 2, half mesh: also extrapolate
189  do kd = 0,2
190  do id = 1,mnmax_v
191  ierr = spline(-0.5_dp/n_r_in+r_v(2:n_r_in),&
192  &jac_c_h(id,2:n_r_in,0),r_v,jac_v_c(id,:,kd),&
193  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=kd,extrap=.true.)
194  chckerr('')
195  if (is_asym_v) then
196  ierr = spline(-0.5_dp/n_r_in+r_v(2:n_r_in),&
197  &jac_s_h(id,2:n_r_in,0),r_v,jac_v_s(id,:,kd),&
198  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=kd,extrap=.true.)
199  chckerr('')
200  end if
201  end do
202  end do
204  ! up to order 2, full mesh
205  do kd = 1,3
206  do id = 1,mnmax_v
207  ! full mesh
208  ierr = spline(r_v,r_v_c(id,:,0),r_v,r_v_c(id,:,kd),&
209  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=kd)
210  chckerr('')
211  ierr = spline(r_v,z_v_s(id,:,0),r_v,z_v_s(id,:,kd),&
212  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=kd)
213  chckerr('')
214  if (is_asym_v) then
215  ierr = spline(r_v,r_v_s(id,:,0),r_v,r_v_s(id,:,kd),&
216  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=kd)
217  chckerr('')
218  ierr = spline(r_v,z_v_c(id,:,0),r_v,z_v_c(id,:,kd),&
219  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=kd)
220  chckerr('')
221  end if
222  end do
223  end do
225  ! up to order 2, half mesh: also extrapolate
226  do kd = 0,3
227  do id = 1,mnmax_v
228  ierr = spline(-0.5_dp/n_r_in+r_v(2:n_r_in),&
229  &l_s_h(id,2:n_r_in,0),r_v,l_v_s(id,:,kd),&
230  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=kd,extrap=.true.)
231  chckerr('')
232  if (is_asym_v) then
233  ierr = spline(-0.5_dp/n_r_in+r_v(2:n_r_in),&
234  &l_c_h(id,2:n_r_in,0),r_v,l_v_c(id,:,kd),&
235  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=kd,extrap=.true.)
236  chckerr('')
237  end if
238  end do
239  end do
241  ! These are only necessary if the compiler searches for uninitialized
242  ! memory
243  flux_t_v(:,3:) = 0._dp
244  flux_p_v(:,3:) = 0._dp
245  q_saf_v(:,3:) = 0._dp
246  rot_t_v(:,3:) = 0._dp
247  pres_v(:,3:) = 0._dp
249  ! allocate helper variables
250  allocate(b_v_sub_c_m(mnmax_v,n_r_in,3)); b_v_sub_c_m = 0._dp
251  allocate(b_v_sub_s_m(mnmax_v,n_r_in,3)); b_v_sub_s_m = 0._dp
252 #if ldebug
253  allocate(b_v_c_h(mnmax_v,n_r_in)); b_v_c_h = 0._dp
254  allocate(b_v_s_h(mnmax_v,n_r_in)); b_v_s_h = 0._dp
255 #endif
257  ! store in helper variables
258  b_v_sub_s_m(:,:,1) = bsubsmns(1:mnmax_v,:)
259  b_v_sub_c_m(:,:,2) = bsubumnc(1:mnmax_v,:)
260  b_v_sub_c_m(:,:,3) = bsubvmnc(1:mnmax_v,:)
261  if (is_asym_v) then ! following only needed in asymmetric situations
262  b_v_sub_c_m(:,:,1) = bsubsmnc(1:mnmax_v,:)
263  b_v_sub_s_m(:,:,2) = bsubumns(1:mnmax_v,:)
264  b_v_sub_s_m(:,:,3) = bsubvmns(1:mnmax_v,:)
265  else
266  b_v_sub_c_m(:,:,1) = 0._dp
267  b_v_sub_s_m(:,:,2) = 0._dp
268  b_v_sub_s_m(:,:,3) = 0._dp
269  end if
270 #if ldebug
271  b_v_c_h(:,:) = bmnc(1:mnmax_v,:)
272  if (is_asym_v) then ! following only needed in asymmetric situations
273  b_v_s_h(:,:) = bmns(1:mnmax_v,:)
274  else
275  b_v_s_h(:,:) = 0._dp
276  end if
277 #endif
279  ! allocate FM variables
280  allocate(b_v_sub_c(mnmax_v,n_r_in,3))
281  allocate(b_v_sub_s(mnmax_v,n_r_in,3))
282 #if ldebug
283  allocate(b_v_c(mnmax_v,n_r_in))
284  allocate(b_v_s(mnmax_v,n_r_in))
285  allocate(j_v_sup_int(n_r_in,2))
286 #endif
288  ! half mesh: extrapolate
289  do id = 1,mnmax_v
290  do kd = 2,3
291  ierr = spline(-0.5_dp/n_r_in+r_v(2:n_r_in),&
292  &b_v_sub_c_m(id,2:n_r_in,kd),r_v,b_v_sub_c(id,:,kd),&
293  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=0,extrap=.true.)
294  chckerr('')
295  ierr = spline(-0.5_dp/n_r_in+r_v(2:n_r_in),&
296  &b_v_sub_s_m(id,2:n_r_in,kd),r_v,b_v_sub_s(id,:,kd),&
297  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=0,extrap=.true.)
298  chckerr('')
299  end do
300  end do
301 #if ldebug
302  do id = 1,mnmax_v
303  ierr = spline(-0.5_dp/n_r_in+r_v(2:n_r_in),&
304  &b_v_c_h(id,2:n_r_in),r_v,b_v_c(id,:),&
305  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=0,extrap=.true.)
306  chckerr('')
307  ierr = spline(-0.5_dp/n_r_in+r_v(2:n_r_in),&
308  &b_v_s_h(id,2:n_r_in),r_v,b_v_s(id,:),&
309  &ord=norm_disc_prec_eq,deriv=0,extrap=.true.)
310  chckerr('')
311  end do
312  j_v_sup_int(:,1) = jcuru
313  j_v_sup_int(:,2) = jcurv
314 #endif
316  ! deallocate repacked variables
317  call read_wout_deallocate()
319  call lvl_ud(-1)
320  call writo('Conversion complete')
321  end function read_vmec
327  subroutine normalize_vmec
328  use eq_vars, only: pres_0, psi_0, r_0, b_0
330  ! scale the VMEC quantities
334  r_v_c = r_v_c/r_0
335  r_v_s = r_v_s/r_0
336  z_v_c = z_v_c/r_0
337  z_v_s = z_v_s/r_0
338  l_v_c = l_v_c
339  l_v_s = l_v_s
340  jac_v_c = jac_v_c/(r_0**3)
341  jac_v_s = jac_v_s/(r_0**3)
344 #if ldebug
345  b_v_c = b_v_c/b_0
346  b_v_s = b_v_s/b_0
348 #endif
349  end subroutine normalize_vmec
350 end module vmec_ops
Integrates a function using the trapezoidal rule.
Definition: num_utilities.f90:160
Operations that concern the output of VMEC.
Definition: VMEC_ops.f90:4
integer, parameter, public dp
double precision
Definition: num_vars.f90:46
Variables that have to do with equilibrium quantities and the grid used in the calculations:
Definition: eq_vars.f90:27
Numerical variables used by most other modules.
Definition: num_vars.f90:4
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, public mn_v
m and n of modes
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:32
integer, parameter, public max_str_ln
maximum length of strings
Definition: num_vars.f90:50
integer, public norm_disc_prec_eq
precision for normal discretization for equilibrium
Definition: num_vars.f90:120
elemental character(len=max_str_ln) function, public i2str(k)
Convert an integer to string.
Definition: str_utilities.f90:18
real(dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public b_v_c
Coeff. of magnitude of B in sine series (HM and FM)
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:50
real(dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public j_v_sup_int
Integrated poloidal and toroidal current (FM)
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:52
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public jac_v_s
Coeff. of in cosine series (HM and FM) and norm. deriv.
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:46
Operations on strings.
Definition: str_utilities.f90:4
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public b_v_sub_s
Coeff. of B_i in cosine series (r,theta,phi) (FM)
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:48
real(dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public flux_p_v
poloidal flux
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:35
real(dp), public r_0
independent normalization constant for nondimensionalization
Definition: eq_vars.f90:42
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public b_v_sub_c
Coeff. of B_i in sine series (r,theta,phi) (FM)
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:47
Wrapper to the pspline library, making it easier to use for 1-D applications where speed is not the m...
Definition: num_utilities.f90:276
real(dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public flux_t_v
toroidal flux
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:34
real(dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public pres_v
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:36
integer, parameter, public max_deriv
highest derivatives for metric factors in Flux coords.
Definition: num_vars.f90:52
Numerical utilities.
Definition: num_utilities.f90:4
real(dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public rot_t_v
rotational transform
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:37
real(dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public b_v_s
Coeff. of magnitude of B in cosine series (HM and FM)
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:51
elemental character(len=max_str_ln) function, public r2str(k)
Convert a real (double) to string.
Definition: str_utilities.f90:42
subroutine, public writo(input_str, persistent, error, warning, alert)
Write output to file identified by output_i.
Definition: messages.f90:275
Numerical utilities related to giving output.
Definition: messages.f90:4
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public z_v_s
Coeff. of in cosine series (FM) and norm. deriv.
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:42
real(dp), parameter, public pi
Definition: num_vars.f90:83
real(dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public q_saf_v
safety factor
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:38
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public r_v_c
Coeff. of in sine series (FM) and norm. deriv.
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:39
subroutine, public lvl_ud(inc)
Increases/decreases lvl of output.
Definition: messages.f90:254
subroutine, public normalize_vmec
Normalizes VMEC input.
Definition: VMEC_ops.f90:328
integer function, public read_vmec(n_r_in, use_pol_flux_V)
Reads the VMEC equilibrium data.
Definition: VMEC_ops.f90:34
Variables that concern the output of VMEC.
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:4
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public l_v_c
Coeff. of in sine series (HM) and norm. deriv.
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:43
real(dp), public psi_0
derived normalization constant for nondimensionalization
Definition: eq_vars.f90:46
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public r_v_s
Coeff. of in cosine series (FM) and norm. deriv.
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:40
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public jac_v_c
Coeff. of in sine series (HM and FM) and norm. deriv.
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:45
Operations concerning giving output, on the screen as well as in output files.
Definition: output_ops.f90:5
real(dp), public pres_0
independent normalization constant for nondimensionalization
Definition: eq_vars.f90:43
real(dp), public b_0_v
the magnitude of B at the magnetic axis,
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:33
character(len=max_str_ln), public eq_name
name of equilibrium file from VMEC or HELENA
Definition: num_vars.f90:138
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public l_v_s
Coeff. of in cosine series (HM) and norm. deriv.
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:44
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public z_v_c
Coeff. of in sine series (FM) and norm. deriv.
Definition: VMEC_vars.f90:41
real(dp), public b_0
derived normalization constant for nondimensionalization
Definition: eq_vars.f90:45