Ideal linear high-n MHD stability in 3-D
Ndriver_eq | Driver of the equilibrium part of PB3D |
Ndriver_post | Main driver of PostProcessing of program Peeling Ballooning in 3D |
Ndriver_sol | Driver of the solution part of PB3D |
Ndriver_x | Driver of the perturbation part of PB3D |
Ndtorh | Calculation of toroidal functions \(P_{n-1/2}^m \left(z\right)\) and \(Q_{n-1/2}^m \left(z\right)\) |
Neq_ops | Operations on the equilibrium variables |
Neq_utilities | Numerical utilities related to equilibrium variables |
Neq_vars | Variables that have to do with equilibrium quantities and the grid used in the calculations: |
Nfiles_ops | Operations related to files ! |
Nfiles_utilities | Numerical utilities related to files |
Ngrid_ops | Operations that have to do with the grids and different coordinate systems |
Ngrid_utilities | Numerical utilities related to the grids and different coordinate systems |
Ngrid_vars | Variables pertaining to the different grids used |
Nhdf5_ops | Operations on HDF5 and XDMF variables |
Nhdf5_utilities | Utilities pertaining to HDF5 and XDMF |
Nhdf5_vars | Variables pertaining to HDF5 and XDMF |
Nhelena_ops | Operations on HELENA variables |
Nhelena_vars | Variables that have to do with HELENA quantities |
Ninput_ops | Operations concerning giving input |
Ninput_utilities | Numerical utilities related to input |
Nmessages | Numerical utilities related to giving output |
Nmpi_ops | Operations related to MPI |
Nmpi_utilities | Numerical utilities related to MPI |
Nmpi_vars | Variables pertaining to MPI |
Nnum_ops | Numerical operations |
Nnum_utilities | Numerical utilities |
Nnum_vars | Numerical variables used by most other modules |
Noutput_ops | Operations concerning giving output, on the screen as well as in output files |
Npb3d_ops | Operations on PB3D output |
Npb3d_utilities | Numerical utilities related to PB3D operations |
Nrich_ops | Operations concerning Richardson extrapolation |
Nrich_vars | Variables concerning Richardson extrapolation |
Nslepc_ops | Operations that use SLEPC (and PETSC) routines |
Nslepc_utilities | Numerical utilities related to SLEPC (and PETSC) operations |
Nsol_ops | Operations on the solution vectors such as decompososing the energy, etc.. |
Nsol_utilities | Numerical utilities related to the solution vectors |
Nsol_vars | Variables pertaining to the solution quantities |
Nstr_utilities | Operations on strings |
Ntest | Generic tests |
Nvac_ops | Operations and variables pertaining to the vacuum response |
Nvac_utilities | Numerical utilities related to the vacuum response |
Nvac_vars | Variables pertaining to the vacuum quantities |
Nvmec_ops | Operations that concern the output of VMEC |
Nvmec_utilities | Numerical utilities related to the output of VMEC |
Nvmec_vars | Variables that concern the output of VMEC |
Nx_ops | Operations considering perturbation quantities |
Nx_utilities | Numerical utilities related to perturbation operations |
Nx_vars | Variables pertaining to the perturbation quantities |