PB3D  [2.45]
Ideal linear high-n MHD stability in 3-D
Interfaces and Types | Functions/Subroutines
pb3d_utilities Module Reference

Numerical utilities related to PB3D operations. More...

Interfaces and Types

interface  conv_1d2nd
 Converts 1-D to n-D variables. More...


integer function, dimension(3), public setup_par_id (grid, rich_lvl_max, rich_lvl_loc, tot_rich, par_lim, par_id_mem)
 Setup parallel id. More...
integer function, dimension(2), public setup_rich_id (rich_lvl_max, tot_rich)
 Returns richardson id. More...

Detailed Description

Numerical utilities related to PB3D operations.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ setup_par_id()

integer function, dimension(3), public pb3d_utilities::setup_par_id ( type(grid_type), intent(in)  grid,
integer, intent(in)  rich_lvl_max,
integer, intent(in)  rich_lvl_loc,
logical, intent(in), optional  tot_rich,
integer, dimension(2), intent(in), optional  par_lim,
integer, dimension(2), intent(inout), optional  par_id_mem 

Setup parallel id.

The parallel id consists of:

  • par_id(1): start index
  • par_id(2): end index
  • par_id(3): stride

These are set up by considering the transformation between a point \(r \in (1\ldots n)\) in the local variable, with corresponding indices \((a\ldots b)\) indicated by par_lim in the HDF5 variable in memory, so that \(n = b-a+1\):

\[p + k s = a + r - 1,\]

where \(k\) is an integer, \(s\) is the stride for Richardson level \(i\) (with max. level \(I\)):

\[\begin{aligned} s &= 2^{I-1} \ \text{for} \ i = 1 \\ &= 2^{I-i+1} \ \text{for} \ i > 1 \end{aligned}\]

and where \(p\) is the starting point in the HDF5 variables:

\[\begin{aligned} p &= 1 \ \text{for} \ i = 1 \\ &= 1 + s/2 \ \text{for} \ i > 1 \end{aligned}\]

Therefore, the minimum possible \(r\) lies in \((0..s-1)\):

\[\mod(r-1,s) = r_\text{min}-1, \]

which leads to

\[r_\text{min} = 1 + \mod(p-a,s). \]

The maximum possible \(r\), then, lies in \((n-s+1..n)\), which leads to:

\[ r_\text{max} = n - s + 1 + \mod(p-b-1,s). \]

These limits and the strides are saved in par_id = \(\vec{r} = \begin{pmatrix}r_\text{min}\\ r_\text{max}\end{pmatrix}\).

If the optional indices \(a\) and \(b\) are not given they are assumed to be 1 and \(n\), with \(n = 1+ks\), which simplifies the equations to:

\[\begin{aligned} r_\text{min} &= p \\ r_\text{max} &= n-p+1 . \end{aligned}\]

Optionally, the indices in the HDF5 arrays can also be returned in par_id_mem = \(\begin{pmatrix}R_\text{min}\\ R_\text{max}\end{pmatrix}\). These are equal to \(k-1\), where \(k\) is the integer refered to above:

\[\vec{R} = 1 + \frac{a-1-p+\vec{r}}{s}, \]

where the addition between a vector and a scalar should be seen as the element-wise operation.

[in]rich_lvl_maxmaximum Richardson level
[in]rich_lvl_loclocal Richardson level
[in]tot_richwhether to combine with previous Richardson levels
[in]par_limlimits (a..b) of variable requested
[in,out]par_id_memparallel id in memory
parallel id

Definition at line 181 of file PB3D_utilities.f90.

◆ setup_rich_id()

integer function, dimension(2), public pb3d_utilities::setup_rich_id ( integer, intent(in)  rich_lvl_max,
logical, intent(in), optional  tot_rich 

Returns richardson id.

rich_id has the following structure:

  • rich_id(1): start Richardson level
  • rich_id(2): end Richardson level
    [in]rich_lvl_maxmaximum Richardson level
    [in]tot_richwhether to combine with previous Richardson levels
    Richardson id

Definition at line 234 of file PB3D_utilities.f90.