Ideal linear high-n MHD stability in 3-D
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5 #include <PB3D_macros.h>
34 elemental character(len=max_str_ln) function rich_info()
elemental character(len=max_str_ln) function, public rich_info()
Returns string with possible extension with Richardson level or nothing if only one level and one par...
integer, parameter, public dp
double precision
logical, public rich_conv
if Richarson extrapolation has converged
Numerical variables used by most other modules.
integer, parameter, public max_str_ln
maximum length of strings
Variables concerning Richardson extrapolation.
elemental character(len=max_str_ln) function, public i2str(k)
Convert an integer to string.
real(dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public x_axis_rich
x axis for plot of Eigenvalues with Richardson level
integer, public max_it_rich
number of levels for Richardson extrapolation
integer, public n_par_x
nr. of parallel points in field-aligned grid
logical, public use_guess
whether a guess is formed from previous level of Richardson
logical, public no_guess
disable guessing Eigenfunction from previous level of Richardson
Numerical utilities related to giving output.
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, public max_rel_err
maximum relative error for all Richardson levels
real(dp), parameter, public pi
integer, public min_n_par_x
min. of n_par_X (e.g. first value in Richardson loop)
integer, public rich_lvl
current level of Richardson extrapolation
Operations concerning giving output, on the screen as well as in output files.
integer, parameter, public req_min_n_par_x
required minimum n_par_X
complex(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public sol_val_rich
Richardson array of eigenvalues.
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, public loc_max_rel_err
location of maximum of relative error
real(dp), public tol_rich
tolerance for Richardson extrapolation