PB3D  [2.45]
Ideal linear high-n MHD stability in 3-D
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
5 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
7 #include <PB3D_macros.h>
8 #include <wrappers.h>
9  use strumpackdensepackage
10  use str_utilities
11  use messages
12  use output_ops
13  use num_vars, only: dp, pi, max_str_ln, iu
14  use vac_vars, only: vac_type
16  implicit none
17  private
21 contains
32  subroutine calc_gh_int_1(G,H,x_s,x_in,norm_s,h_fac_in,step_size,tol)
33  ! input / output
34  real(dp), intent(inout) :: g(2)
35  real(dp), intent(inout) :: h(2)
36  real(dp), intent(in) :: x_s(2,3)
37  real(dp), intent(in) :: x_in(3)
38  real(dp), intent(in) :: norm_s(2,3)
39  real(dp), intent(in) :: h_fac_in(4)
40  real(dp), intent(in) :: step_size(2)
41  real(dp), intent(in) :: tol
43  ! local variables
44  integer :: kd ! counter
45  real(dp) :: r2(2) ! distance between source and influence points
46  real(dp) :: e_fac ! factor E
47  real(dp) :: sineps ! sin(eps)
48  real(dp) :: dum_fac(2) ! dummy factors
50  ! initialize
51  g = 0._dp
52  h = 0._dp
54  ! calculate distance between source points
55  do kd = 1,2
56  r2(kd) = sum((x_s(kd,:)-x_in)**2)
57  end do
59  ! check for (near-)singular point
60  if (minval(r2).le.tol) then
61  e_fac = sqrt(h_fac_in(1)/h_fac_in(3))*step_size(2)/step_size(1) ! |e_alpha|/|e_theta| d_par_X / d_par_X
62  sineps = h_fac_in(2)/sqrt(h_fac_in(1)*h_fac_in(3))
63  dum_fac(1) = sqrt(1+2*e_fac*sineps+e_fac**2)
64  dum_fac(2) = sqrt(1-2*e_fac*sineps+e_fac**2)
65  g = -0.5_dp/sqrt(h_fac_in(1)) * step_size(1) * (&
66  &log(abs((dum_fac(2) + e_fac + sineps)/&
67  &(dum_fac(1) - e_fac + sineps))) &
68  &- e_fac/sineps**2* &
69  &log(abs((dum_fac(2) + e_fac + sineps)/&
70  &(dum_fac(1) - e_fac + sineps))) &
71  &)
72  h = h_fac_in(4)*g
73  else
74  g = -1._dp/sqrt(r2)
75  do kd = 1,2
76  h(kd) = sum(norm_s(kd,:)*(x_s(kd,:)-x_in))*(-g(kd))**(-3)
77  end do
78  end if
79  end subroutine calc_gh_int_1
97  subroutine calc_gh_int_2(G,H,t_s,t_in,x_s,x_in,norm_s,norm_in,Aij,ql,tol,&
98  &b_coeff,n_tor)
99  ! input / output
100  real(dp), intent(inout) :: g(2)
101  real(dp), intent(inout) :: h(2)
102  real(dp), intent(in) :: t_s(2)
103  real(dp), intent(in) :: t_in
104  real(dp), intent(in) :: x_s(2,2)
105  real(dp), intent(in) :: x_in(2)
106  real(dp), intent(in) :: norm_s(2,2)
107  real(dp), intent(in) :: norm_in(2)
108  real(dp), intent(in) :: aij(2)
109  real(dp), intent(in) :: ql(2,2)
110  real(dp), intent(in) :: tol
111  real(dp), intent(in) :: b_coeff(2)
112  integer, intent(in) :: n_tor
114  ! local variables
115  integer :: kd, jd ! counters
116  integer :: kd_bound ! counter for boundary
117  real(dp) :: a_coeff ! coefficient a = |norm|/8R^2 at influence point
118  real(dp) :: t_in_loc ! local t_in, possibly shifted by 2pi
119  real(dp) :: delta_t(2) ! t_in - t_s
120  real(dp) :: rho2(2) ! square of distance in projected poloidal plane
121  real(dp) :: dlogd(2) ! delta log delta
122  real(dp) :: n_loc(2) ! norm_s / |norm_s|
123  real(dp) :: dn_loc(2) ! d n_loc / dtheta
125  ! initialize
126  g = 0._dp
127  h = 0._dp
128  do kd = 1,2
129  rho2(kd) = sum((x_s(kd,:)-x_in)**2)
130  end do
131  if (pi .lt. sum(t_s)/2 - t_in) then ! t_s closer to t_in + 2pi
132  t_in_loc = t_in + 2*pi
133  else if (-pi .gt. sum(t_s)/2 - t_in) then ! t_s closer to t_in - 2pi
134  t_in_loc = t_in - 2*pi
135  else ! t_s closer to t_in
136  t_in_loc = t_in
137  end if
138  n_loc = (norm_s(2,:)/sqrt(sum(norm_s(2,:)**2))+&
139  &norm_s(1,:)/sqrt(sum(norm_s(1,:)**2))) / 2._dp
140  dn_loc = (norm_s(2,:)/sqrt(sum(norm_s(2,:)**2))-&
141  &norm_s(1,:)/sqrt(sum(norm_s(1,:)**2))) / (t_s(2)-t_s(1))
143  ! check for (near-)singular point
144  if (minval(rho2).le.tol) then
145  ! There is at least one singular point: use analytical approach
146  a_coeff = sqrt(sum(norm_in**2))/(8._dp*x_in(1)**2)
147  do kd = 1,2
148  if (kd.eq.1) then
149  delta_t(1) = t_s(1) - t_in_loc
150  delta_t(2) = t_s(2) - t_in_loc
151  else
152  delta_t(1) = -(t_s(2) - t_in_loc)
153  delta_t(2) = -(t_s(1) - t_in_loc)
154  end if
155  do jd = 1,2
156  if (abs(delta_t(jd)).le.0._dp) then
157  dlogd(jd) = 0._dp
158  else
159  dlogd(jd) = log(a_coeff*abs(delta_t(jd)))
160  end if
161  end do
162  g(kd) = 1._dp/sqrt(x_in(1)*x_s(kd,1)) * (&
163  &b_coeff(2)*(delta_t(2)-delta_t(1)) + &
164  &0.5_dp*delta_t(1) - 1.5_dp*delta_t(2) + &
165  &1._dp/(delta_t(2)-delta_t(1)) * &
166  &(delta_t(1)*(delta_t(1)-2*delta_t(2))*dlogd(1) + &
167  &delta_t(2)**2 * dlogd(2)) &
168  &)
169  h(kd) = 0.5*norm_s(kd,1)/x_s(kd,1) * g(kd) + &
170  &(delta_t(2)-delta_t(1)) * (n_tor-0.5_dp)**(-1) * &
171  &aij(kd)/sqrt(x_in(1)*x_s(kd,1))
172  end do
174  ! Check if we are at the boundary of the analytical approach. In
175  ! this case there is an extra component due to the difference
176  ! between the toroidal function and the analytical approximation.
177  ! This will be implemented through a trapezoidal contribution of
178  ! which one side is zero.
179  if (maxval(rho2).gt.tol) then
180  ! fill G's and H's
181  if (rho2(2).gt.rho2(1)) then ! right boundary
182  kd_bound = 2
183  else ! left boundary
184  kd_bound = 1
185  end if
186  g(kd_bound) = g(kd_bound) - 0.5_dp*(t_s(2)-t_s(1))*2._dp/&
187  &sqrt(x_in(1)*x_s(kd_bound,1)) * (ql(kd_bound,2)+&
188  &log(a_coeff*abs(t_s(kd_bound)-t_in_loc))+b_coeff(2))
189  h(kd_bound) = h(kd_bound) + 0.5_dp*(t_s(2)-t_s(1))*2._dp/&
190  &sqrt(x_in(1)*x_s(kd_bound,1)) * &
191  &( (-0.5_dp*norm_s(kd_bound,1)/x_s(kd_bound,1) - &
192  &(1._dp+rho2(kd_bound)/(2*x_in(1)*x_s(kd_bound,1)))*&
193  &aij(kd_bound)) * (ql(kd_bound,2)+&
194  &log(a_coeff*abs(t_s(kd_bound)-t_in_loc))+b_coeff(2)) + &
195  &aij(kd_bound) * (ql(kd_bound,1)+&
196  &log(a_coeff*abs(t_s(kd_bound)-t_in_loc))+b_coeff(1)))
197  end if
198  else
199  do kd = 1,2
200  ! fill G's and H's
201  g(kd) = - (t_s(2)-t_s(1))/sqrt(x_in(1)*x_s(kd,1)) * &
202  &ql(kd,2)
203  h(kd) = (t_s(2)-t_s(1))/sqrt(x_in(1)*x_s(kd,1)) * &
204  &( (-0.5_dp*norm_s(kd,1)/x_s(kd,1) - &
205  &(1._dp+rho2(kd)/(2*x_in(1)*x_s(kd,1)))*&
206  &aij(kd))*ql(kd,2) + aij(kd)*ql(kd,1) )
207  end do
208  end if
209  end subroutine calc_gh_int_2
222  integer function vec_dis2loc(ctxt,vec_dis,lims,vec_loc,proc) result(ierr)
223  use num_vars, only: n_procs
224  use vac_vars, only: in_context
226  character(*), parameter :: rout_name = 'vec_dis2loc'
228  ! input / output
229  integer, intent(in) :: ctxt
230  real(dp), intent(in) :: vec_dis(:)
231  integer, intent(in) :: lims(:,:)
232  real(dp), intent(inout) :: vec_loc(:)
233  integer, intent(in), optional :: proc
235  ! local variables
236  integer :: id ! index of subrow
237  integer :: limsl(2) ! local limits
238  integer :: proc_loc ! local proc
239  integer :: proc_dest(2) ! destination process index
241  ! initialize ierr
242  ierr = 0
244  ! select only processes that are in the context
245  if (.not.in_context(ctxt)) return
247  ! set up destination process index
248  proc_loc = 0
249  if (present(proc)) proc_loc = proc
250  if (proc_loc.gt.0 .and. proc_loc.lt.n_procs) then
251  call blacs_pcoord(ctxt,proc_loc,proc_dest(1),proc_dest(2))
252  else
253  proc_dest = [-1,-1]
254  end if
256  ! set up total copy of vector
257  vec_loc = 0._dp
258  do id = 1,size(lims,2)
259  ! set local limits
260  if (size(vec_dis) .gt. 0) then
261  limsl = sum(lims(2,1:id-1)-lims(1,1:id-1)+1) + &
262  &lims(:,id)-lims(1,id)+1
263  vec_loc(lims(1,id):lims(2,id)) = vec_dis(limsl(1):limsl(2))
264  end if
265  end do
267  ! add them together
268  call dgsum2d(ctxt,'all',' ',size(vec_loc),1,vec_loc,size(vec_loc),&
269  &proc_dest(1),proc_dest(2))
270  end function vec_dis2loc
275  integer function mat_dis2loc(ctxt,mat_dis,lims_r,lims_c,mat_loc,proc) &
276  &result(ierr)
277  use num_vars, only: n_procs
278  use vac_vars, only: in_context
280  character(*), parameter :: rout_name = 'mat_dis2loc'
282  ! input / output
283  integer, intent(in) :: ctxt
284  real(dp), intent(in) :: mat_dis(:,:)
285  integer, intent(in) :: lims_r(:,:)
286  integer, intent(in) :: lims_c(:,:)
287  real(dp), intent(inout) :: mat_loc(:,:)
288  integer, intent(in), optional :: proc
290  ! local variables
291  integer :: i_rd, i_cd ! index of subrow and subcolumn
292  integer :: limsl_r(2) ! local row limits
293  integer :: limsl_c(2) ! local column limits
294  integer :: proc_loc ! local proc
295  integer :: proc_dest(2) ! destination process index
297  ! initialize ierr
298  ierr = 0
300  ! select only processes that are in the context
301  if (.not.in_context(ctxt)) return
303  ! set up destination process index
304  proc_loc = 0
305  if (present(proc)) proc_loc = proc
306  if (proc_loc.gt.0 .and. proc_loc.lt.n_procs) then
307  call blacs_pcoord(ctxt,proc_loc,proc_dest(1),proc_dest(2))
308  else
309  proc_dest = [-1,-1]
310  end if
312  ! set up total copy of matrix
313  mat_loc = 0._dp
314  do i_rd = 1,size(lims_r,2)
315  if (size(mat_dis,1) .gt. 0) then
316  limsl_r = sum(&
317  &lims_r(2,1:i_rd-1)-lims_r(1,1:i_rd-1)+1) + &
318  &lims_r(:,i_rd)-lims_r(1,i_rd)+1
319  do i_cd = 1,size(lims_c,2)
320  if (size(mat_dis,2) .gt. 0) then
321  limsl_c = sum(&
322  &lims_c(2,1:i_cd-1)-lims_c(1,1:i_cd-1)+1) + &
323  &lims_c(:,i_cd)-lims_c(1,i_cd)+1
324  mat_loc(lims_r(1,i_rd):lims_r(2,i_rd),&
325  &lims_c(1,i_cd):lims_c(2,i_cd)) = mat_dis(&
326  &limsl_r(1):limsl_r(2),limsl_c(1):limsl_c(2))
327  end if
328  end do
329  end if
330  end do
332  ! add them together
333  call dgsum2d(ctxt,'all',' ',size(mat_loc,1),size(mat_loc,2),mat_loc,&
334  &size(mat_loc,1),proc_dest(1),proc_dest(2))
335  end function mat_dis2loc
354  integer function interlaced_vac_copy(vac_old,vac) result(ierr)
355 #if ldebug
356  use num_vars, only: ltest, n_procs, rank
357  use input_utilities, only: get_log
358 #endif
360  character(*), parameter :: rout_name = 'interlaced_vac_copy'
362  ! input / output
363  type(vac_type), intent(in) :: vac_old
364  type(vac_type), intent(inout) :: vac
366  ! local variables
367  integer :: id ! counter
368  integer :: i_cd ! index of subcol
369  integer :: i_rd ! index of subrow
370  integer :: rd, cd ! global counter for row and col
371  integer :: rdl, cdl ! local counter for row and col
372  integer :: alpha_id ! field line on which an index is situated
373  integer :: par_id ! index point on field line
374  integer :: n_ang(2) ! number of points in angular directions
375  integer :: n_ang_old(2) ! number of points in angular directions in old vacuum
376  real(dp), allocatable :: loc_a(:,:) ! local transformation matrix
377  real(dp), allocatable :: loc_b(:,:) ! local dummy matrix
378  integer :: desc_loc(blacsctxtsize) ! descriptor for loc_A and loc_B
379  integer :: desc_loc_old(blacsctxtsize) ! descriptor for loc_A and loc_B in old vacuum context
380  character(len=max_str_ln) :: err_msg ! error message
381 #if ldebug
382  logical :: test_redist ! whether to test the redistribution of H and G
383  real(dp), allocatable :: hg_ser(:,:) ! serial versions of H and G
384  real(dp), allocatable :: hg_ser_old(:,:) ! serial versions of H and G in old vacuum
385 #endif
387  ! initialize ierr
388  ierr = 0
390  ! initialize
391  n_ang = vac%n_ang
392  n_ang_old = vac_old%n_ang
394  ! test
395  if (n_ang(2).ne.n_ang_old(2)) then
396  ierr = 1
397  err_msg = 'Old and new vacuum need to have an equal number of &
398  &field lines'
399  chckerr(err_msg)
400  end if
401  if (n_ang(1).ne.2*n_ang_old(1)-1) then
402  ierr = 1
403  err_msg = 'Old and new vacuum need to have a compatible number of &
404  &points along the field lines'
405  chckerr(err_msg)
406  end if
408  ! loop over all field lines
409  do id = 1,n_ang(2)
410  ! copy normal and position vector
411  vac%norm((id-1)*n_ang(1)+1:id*n_ang(1):2,:) = &
412  &vac_old%norm((id-1)*n_ang_old(1)+1:id*n_ang_old(1):1,:)
413  vac%x_vec((id-1)*n_ang(1)+1:id*n_ang(1):2,:) = &
414  &vac_old%x_vec((id-1)*n_ang_old(1)+1:id*n_ang_old(1):1,:)
416  ! copy variables specific to style
417  select case (vac%style)
418  case (1) ! field-line 3-D
419  vac%h_fac((id-1)*n_ang(1)+1:id*n_ang(1):2,:) = vac_old%&
420  &h_fac((id-1)*n_ang_old(1)+1:id*n_ang_old(1):1,:)
421  case (2) ! axisymmetric
422  vac%dnorm((id-1)*n_ang(1)+1:id*n_ang(1):2,:) = &
423  &vac_old%dnorm((id-1)*n_ang_old(1)+1:id*n_ang_old(1):1,:)
424  vac%ang((id-1)*n_ang(1)+1:id*n_ang(1):2,:) = &
425  &vac_old%ang((id-1)*n_ang_old(1)+1:id*n_ang_old(1):1,:)
426  end select
427  end do
429  ! set up transformation matrix A and dummy matrix B
430  allocate(loc_a(vac%n_loc(1),vac_old%n_loc(2)))
431  allocate(loc_b(vac%n_loc(1),vac_old%n_loc(2)))
432  loc_a = 0._dp
433  loc_b = 0._dp
434  subcols: do i_cd = 1,size(vac_old%lims_c,2)
435  col: do cd = vac_old%lims_c(1,i_cd),vac_old%lims_c(2,i_cd)
436  ! set field line index and point index and calculate row
437  alpha_id = (cd-1)/n_ang_old(1)+1
438  par_id = mod(cd-1,n_ang_old(1))+1
439  rd = 2*par_id-1 + (alpha_id-1)*n_ang(1)
441  ! set local column index
442  cdl = sum(vac_old%lims_c(2,1:i_cd-1)-&
443  &vac_old%lims_c(1,1:i_cd-1)+1) + &
444  &cd-vac_old%lims_c(1,i_cd)+1
446  subrows: do i_rd = 1,size(vac%lims_r,2)
447  ! set local row index if in this subrow
448  if (rd.ge.vac%lims_r(1,i_rd) .and. &
449  &rd.le.vac%lims_r(2,i_rd)) then
450  rdl = sum(vac%lims_r(2,1:i_rd-1)-&
451  &vac%lims_r(1,1:i_rd-1)+1) + &
452  &rd-vac%lims_r(1,i_rd)+1
454  loc_a(rdl,cdl) = 1._dp
455  end if
456  end do subrows
457  end do col
458  end do subcols
459  call descinit(desc_loc,vac%n_bnd,vac_old%n_bnd,vac%bs,&
460  &vac%bs,0,0,vac%ctxt_HG,max(1,vac%n_loc(1)),ierr)
461  chckerr('descinit failed for loc')
462  call descinit(desc_loc_old,vac%n_bnd,vac_old%n_bnd,vac%bs,&
463  &vac%bs,0,0,vac_old%ctxt_HG,max(1,vac%n_loc(1)),ierr)
464  chckerr('descinit failed for loc_old')
466  ! treat H
467  chckerr('')
468  call pdgemm('N','N',vac%n_bnd,vac_old%n_bnd,vac_old%n_bnd,&
469  &1._dp,loc_a,1,1,desc_loc_old,vac_old%H,1,1,&
470  &vac_old%desc_H,0._dp,loc_b,1,1,desc_loc_old)
471  call pdgemm('N','T',vac%n_bnd,vac%n_bnd,vac_old%n_bnd,&
472  &1._dp,loc_b,1,1,desc_loc,loc_a,1,1,&
473  &desc_loc,0._dp,vac%H,1,1,vac%desc_H)
475  ! treat G
476  call pdgemm('N','N',vac%n_bnd,vac_old%n_bnd,vac_old%n_bnd,&
477  &1._dp,loc_a,1,1,desc_loc_old,vac_old%G,1,1,&
478  &vac_old%desc_G,0._dp,loc_b,1,1,desc_loc_old)
479  call pdgemm('N','T',vac%n_bnd,vac%n_bnd,vac_old%n_bnd,&
480  &1._dp,loc_b,1,1,desc_loc,loc_a,1,1,&
481  &desc_loc,0._dp,vac%G,1,1,vac%desc_G)
483 #if ldebug
484  ! test
485  if (ltest) then
486  call writo('test resdistribution of H?')
487  test_redist = get_log(.false.)
488  else
489  test_redist = .false.
490  end if
491  if (test_redist) then
492  allocate(hg_ser(vac%n_bnd,vac%n_bnd))
493  allocate(hg_ser_old(vac_old%n_bnd,vac_old%n_bnd))
494  ierr = mat_dis2loc(vac_old%ctxt_HG,vac_old%H,&
495  &vac_old%lims_r,vac_old%lims_c,hg_ser_old,&
496  &proc=n_procs-1)
497  chckerr('')
498  ierr = mat_dis2loc(vac%ctxt_HG,vac%H,&
499  &vac%lims_r,vac%lims_c,hg_ser,&
500  &proc=n_procs-1)
501  chckerr('')
502  if (rank.eq.n_procs-1) then
503  call writo('old H:',persistent=rank.eq.n_procs-1)
504  call print_ar_2(hg_ser_old)
505  call writo('new H:',persistent=rank.eq.n_procs-1)
506  call print_ar_2(hg_ser)
507  call plot_hdf5('HG_ser_old','HG_ser_old',&
508  &reshape(hg_ser_old,[vac_old%n_bnd,vac_old%n_bnd,1]))
509  call plot_hdf5('HG_ser','HG_ser',&
510  &reshape(hg_ser,[vac%n_bnd,vac%n_bnd,1]))
511  end if
512  end if
513 #endif
515  ! clean up
516  deallocate(loc_a,loc_b)
517  end function interlaced_vac_copy
518 end module vac_utilities
Numerical utilities related to the vacuum response.
Definition: vac_utilities.f90:6
integer, parameter, public dp
double precision
Definition: num_vars.f90:46
Numerical variables used by most other modules.
Definition: num_vars.f90:4
logical function, public get_log(yes, ind)
Queries for a logical value yes or no, where the default answer is also to be provided.
Definition: input_utilities.f90:22
integer, parameter, public max_str_ln
maximum length of strings
Definition: num_vars.f90:50
integer function, public interlaced_vac_copy(vac_old, vac)
Copies vacuum variables of a previous level into the appropriate, interlaced place of a next level.
Definition: vac_utilities.f90:355
subroutine, public print_ar_2(arr)
Print an array of dimension 2 on the screen.
Definition: messages.f90:475
complex(dp), parameter, public iu
complex unit
Definition: num_vars.f90:85
integer, public n_procs
nr. of MPI processes
Definition: num_vars.f90:69
Operations on strings.
Definition: str_utilities.f90:4
logical, public ltest
whether or not to call the testing routines
Definition: num_vars.f90:112
Variables pertaining to the vacuum quantities.
Definition: vac_vars.f90:4
integer function, public vec_dis2loc(ctxt, vec_dis, lims, vec_loc, proc)
Gathers a distributed vector on a single process.
Definition: vac_utilities.f90:223
Prints variables vars with names var_names in an HDF5 file with name c file_name and accompanying XDM...
Definition: output_ops.f90:137
logical function, public in_context(ctxt)
Indicates whether current process is in the context.
Definition: vac_vars.f90:378
subroutine, public writo(input_str, persistent, error, warning, alert)
Write output to file identified by output_i.
Definition: messages.f90:275
Numerical utilities related to giving output.
Definition: messages.f90:4
real(dp), parameter, public pi
Definition: num_vars.f90:83
subroutine, public calc_gh_int_1(G, H, x_s, x_in, norm_s, h_fac_in, step_size, tol)
Calculate G_ij and H_ij on an interval for field line aligned configurations.
Definition: vac_utilities.f90:33
integer function, public mat_dis2loc(ctxt, mat_dis, lims_r, lims_c, mat_loc, proc)
Gathers a distributed vector on a single process.
Definition: vac_utilities.f90:277
subroutine, public calc_gh_int_2(G, H, t_s, t_in, x_s, x_in, norm_s, norm_in, Aij, ql, tol, b_coeff, n_tor)
Calculate G_ij and H_ij on an interval for axisymmetric configurations.
Definition: vac_utilities.f90:99
vacuum type
Definition: vac_vars.f90:46
Operations concerning giving output, on the screen as well as in output files.
Definition: output_ops.f90:5
integer, public rank
MPI rank.
Definition: num_vars.f90:68
Numerical utilities related to input.
Definition: input_utilities.f90:4