This page describes the various input variables that PB3D and POST can take.
Inputs are generally done through the input file, but there are some inputs that are provided on runtime, using the command-line with –[option_name]
For both PB3D and POST, both types are discussed.
Table 1. PB3D input file
input parameter | explanation | default value | data type | note |
concerning solution |
n_r_sol | number of points in solution grid | \( 100\) | int | |
min_r_sol | minimum normalized flux of computational domain \(\left(0\ldots 1\right)\) | \(0.1\) | real | (1) |
max_r_sol | maximum normalized flux of computational domain \(\left(0\ldots 1\right)\) | \(1.0\) | real | (1) |
tol_norm | tolerance for normal range | \(0.05\) | real | (2) |
EV_style | style for EV calculation:
| \(1\) | int |
concerning field line |
alpha_style | style for alpha:
\(1\) | one field line, many turns |
\(2\) | many field lines, one turn |
| \(2\) (VMEC), \(1\) (HELENA) | int | |
n_alpha | number of field lines for alpha_style \(2\) | \(10\) (VMEC) | int | |
alpha | field line label \(\left[\pi\right]\) for alpha_style \(1\) | \(0\) | real | |
min_alpha | minimum field line label \(\alpha\) \(\left[\pi\right]\) for alpha_style \(2\) | \(0\) | int | |
max_alpha | maximum field line label \(\alpha\) \(\left[\pi\right]\) for alpha_style \(2\) | \(2\) | int |
concerning perturbation |
min_n_par_X | minimum number of parallel points for integration | \(20\) | int | (3) |
min_par_X | minimum parallel angle \(\left[\pi\right]\) for integration | \(-4\) | int | |
max_par_X | maximum parallel angle \(\left[\pi\right]\) for integration | \(4\) | int | |
prim_X | primary mode number in geodesic direction | \(20\) | int | (4) |
min_sec_X | minimum secondary mode number in parallel direction | | int | (4, 5) |
max_sec_X | maximum secondary mode number in parallel direction | | int | (4, 5) |
n_mod_X | number of secondary modes in parallel direction | \(20\) | int | (4, 5) |
use_pol_flux_F | on which flux to base the normal coordinate.
.true. | rescaled poloidal flux \(\frac{\Psi_\text{pol}}{2 \pi}\) |
.false. | rescaled toroidal flux \(\frac{\Psi_\text{tor}}{2 \pi}\) |
| .true. | log | (35)
concerning normalization |
rho_0 | Normalization factor for density \(\rho\) \(\frac{kg}{m^3}\) | \(10^{-7}\) | real | |
R_0 | Normalization factor for length scale \(R\) \(m\) | | real | (6) |
pres_0 | Normalization factor for pressure \(p\) \(Pa\) | | real | (6) |
psi_0 | Normalization factor for flux \(\Psi\) \(T m^2\) | | real | (6) |
B_0 | Normalization factor for magnetic field \(\vec{B}\) \(T\) | | real | (6) |
T_0 | Normalization factor for time \(s\) | | real | (6)
concerning input and output |
n_sol_requested | number of solutions requested | \(1\) | int | |
retain_all_sol | retain all solutions
.true. | unphysical eigenvalues are also retained |
.false. | unphysical eigenvalues are left out |
| \(2\) | log | (7) |
plot_resonance | plot the safety factor (poloidal flux) or rotational transform (toroidal flux) and the resonant values | .false. | log | (13) |
plot_magn_grid | plot magnetic field lines in the flux surfaces in 3-D geometry as an animation | .false. | log | (14) |
plot_B | plot magnetic field \(\vec{B} = \nabla \alpha \times \nabla \psi \) \(\left[T\right]\) | .false. | log | (15) |
plot_J | plot current \(\vec{J} = \mu_0^{-1} \nabla \times \left(\nabla \alpha \times \nabla \psi\right) \) \(\left[\frac{A}{m^2}\right]\) | .false. | log | (16) |
plot_kappa | plot curvature \(\vec{\kappa} = \frac{\vec{B}}{B} \cdot \nabla \frac{\vec{B}}{B}\) \(\left[\frac{1}{m}\right]\) and its components \( \kappa_n = \frac{\nabla \psi}{\left|\nabla \psi\right|^2} \cdot \vec{\kappa} \) \(\left[\frac{1}{T m^2}\right]\) and \( \kappa_g = \frac{\nabla \psi \times \vec{B}}{B^2} \cdot \vec{\kappa} \) \(\left[\phantom{\cdot}\right]\) | .false. | log | (17) |
plot_flux_q | plot flux quantities \(q\), \(\iota\), \(p\) \(\left[Pa\right]\), \(\Psi_\text{pol}\) \(\left[T m^2\right]\) and \(\Psi_\text{tor}\) \(\left[T m^2\right]\) | .false. | log | (18) |
n_theta_plot | number of points in plots in \(\theta\) direction | | int | (19) |
n_zeta_plot | number of points in plots in \(\zeta\) direction | | int | (19) |
min_theta_plot | minimum of \(\theta\) range for plots | \(1\) | int | |
max_theta_plot | minimum of \(\theta\) range for plots | \(3\) | int | |
min_zeta_plot | minimum of \(\zeta\) range for plots | | int | (20) |
max_zeta_plot | minimum of \(\zeta\) range for plots | | int | (20) |
plot_size | size of 2-D plots in inch by inch | \(\left[10,5\right]\) | int(2) | |
ex_plot_style | style how external plots are made
\(1\) | GnuPlot |
\(2\) | Bokeh for 2-D and Mayavi for 3-D |
| \(1\) | int | (21)
concerning Richardson extrapolation |
max_it_rich | maximum number of Richardson extrapolations | \(1\) | int | |
tol_rich | tolerance for convergence of Richardson extrapolations | \(1^{-4}\) | real | |
rich_restart_lvl | Richardson level at which to restart a previous simulation | \(1\) | int | (8)
concerning finding zeros |
max_it_zero | maximum number of iterations in num_ops.calc_zero_hh() and calc_zero_zhang() | \(100\) | int | (9) |
tol_zero | tolerance for zero finding | \(1^{-10}\) | real | (9) |
max_nr_backtracks_HH | maximum number of times the correction can be relaxed by half in a backtrack for the Householder methods | \(20\) | int | (9) |
concerning runtime |
use_normalization | use normalization for the internal calculations | .true. | log | (6) |
max_tot_mem | maximum total memory available to the simulation \(\left[kB\right]\) | 6000 | real | |
sol_n_procs | Number of processes available for SLEPC solution \((1\ldots N)\) where \(N\) is the number of MPI processes | N | int | |
norm_disc_prec_eq | normal discretization precision for equilibrium quantities | \(3\) | int | |
norm_disc_prec_X | normal discretization precision for perturbation quantities | \(3\) | int | |
norm_disc_prec_sol | normal discretization precision for solution quantities | \(3\) | int | |
norm_disc_style_sol | style how solution quantities are discretized
\(1\) | central finite differences |
\(2\) | left finite differences |
| \(2\) | int | |
magn_int_style | style how magnetic integrals are calculated
\(1\) | trapezoidal rule |
\(2\) | Simpson 3/8 rule |
| \(1\) | int | |
X_grid_style | style how perturbation grid is set up
\(1\) | identical to equilibrium grid |
\(2\) | identical to solution grid |
\(3\) | enriched version of equilibrium grid (see max_njq_change ) |
| \(1\) (X_style 1), \(2\) (X_style 2) | int | (5, 36) |
max_njq_change | maximum change of resonant mode numbers for X_grid_style \(3\) | \(0.49\) | real | (36) |
max_it_SLEPC | maximum number of iterations in SLEPC calculation to find eigenvalue | \(1000\) | int | |
EV_BC | eigenvalue used in boundary condition of style BC_style = 1 | \(1\) | real | (10) |
EV_guess | target guess for eigenvalue | \(-0.3\) | real | |
tol_SLEPC | tolerance used in SLEPC for different Richardson levels | \([1^{-5},\ldots]\) | real(max_it_rich) | |
rho_style | style how the density \(\rho\) is calculated
| \(1\) | int | |
U_style | style how to calculate geodesical perturbation \(U = \vec{\xi} \cdot \frac{\nabla \psi \times \vec{B}}{\left|\nabla \psi\right|^2}\) is calculated
\(1\) | up to order \( \sim \frac{1}{n} \) |
\(2\) | up to order \( \sim \left(\frac{1}{n}\right)^2 \) |
\(3\) | up to order \( \sim \left(\frac{1}{n}\right)^3 \) |
| \(3\) | int | |
K_style | style how to calculate kinetic energy \(K = \int \left|\vec{\xi}\right|^2 d \text{V}\)
\(1\) | normalization of full perpendicular component |
\(2\) | normalization of only normal component |
| \(1\) | int | |
BC_style | style how boundary conditions are applied for left and right boundary
\(1\) | set to zero |
\(2\) | minimization of surface energy through asymmetric finite differences |
\(3\) | minization through extension of grid |
\(4\) | explicit introduction of the surface energy minimization |
| \([1,2]\) | int(2) | (10) |
norm_style | style how to calculate normalization
\(1\) | MISHKA normalization with magnetic field on axis |
\(2\) | COBRA normalization with pressure on axis |
| \(1\) | int | (11) |
solver_SLEPC_style | style used in SLEPC to solve the eigenvalue equation
\(1\) | Krylov-Schur with shift-invert |
\(2\) | generalized Davidson with preconditioner |
| \(1\) | int | |
matrix_SLEPC_style | style used for SLEPC matrices
\(1\) | sparse matrices |
\(2\) | shell matrices |
| \(1\) | int | (12) |
Table 3. POST input file
input parameter | explanation | default value | data type | note |
concerning solution |
min_r_plot | minimum normalized flux of output domain \(\left(0\ldots 1\right)\) | | real | (24) |
max_r_plot | maximum normalized flux of output domain \(\left(0\ldots 1\right)\) | | real | (24)
concerning input and output |
n_sol_plotted | number of solutions plotted | n_sol_requested | int | |
pert_mult_factor_POST | factor by which the grid can be perturbed, with respect to the maximum perturbation of each solution independently | \(0\) | real | (25) |
plot_resonance | plot the safety factor (poloidal flux) or rotational transform (toroidal flux) and the resonant values | .false. | log | (13) |
plot_magn_grid | plot magnetic field lines in the flux surfaces in 3-D geometry as an animation | .false. | log | (14) |
plot_B | plot magnetic field \(\vec{B} = \nabla \alpha \times \nabla \psi \) \(\left[T\right]\) | .false. | log | (15) |
plot_J | plot current \(\vec{J} = \mu_0^{-1} \nabla \times \left(\nabla \alpha \times \nabla \psi\right) \) \(\left[\frac{A}{m^2}\right]\) | .false. | log | (16) |
plot_kappa | plot curvature \(\vec{\kappa} = \frac{\vec{B}}{B} \cdot \nabla \frac{\vec{B}}{B}\) \(\left[\frac{1}{m}\right]\) and its components \( \kappa_n = \frac{\nabla \psi}{\left|\nabla \psi\right|^2} \cdot \vec{\kappa} \) \(\left[\frac{1}{T m^2}\right]\) and \( \kappa_g = \frac{\nabla \psi \times \vec{B}}{B^2} \cdot \vec{\kappa} \) \(\left[\phantom{\cdot}\right]\) | .false. | log | (17) |
plot_flux_q | plot flux quantities \(q\), \(\iota\), \(p\) \(\left[Pa\right]\), \(\Psi_\text{pol}\) \(\left[T m^2\right]\) and \(\Psi_\text{tor}\) \(\left[T m^2\right]\) | .false. | log | (18) |
plot_sol_xi | plot normal mode \(\vec{\xi}\) \(\left[m\right]\) and its components \( X = \frac{\nabla \psi}{B^2} \cdot \vec{\xi} \) \(\left[\frac{m^2}{T}\right]\) and \( U = \frac{\nabla \psi \times \vec{B}}{\left|\nabla \psi\right|^2} \cdot \vec{\xi} \) \(\left[\phantom{\cdot}\right]\) | .false. | log | (26) |
plot_sol_Q | plot magnetic field perturbation due to the normal mode \(\vec{Q} = \nabla \times \left(\vec{\xi} \times \vec{B}\right) \) \(\left[T\right]\) and its components \( Q_n = \frac{\nabla \psi}{B^2} \cdot \vec{Q} \) \(\left[m\right]\) and \( Q_g = \frac{\nabla \psi \times \vec{B}}{\left|\nabla \psi\right|^2} \cdot \vec{Q} \) \(\left[\frac{T}{m}\right]\) | .false. | log | (26) |
plot_E_rec | plot energy reconstruction | .false. | log | (27) |
n_theta_plot | number of points in plots in \(\theta\) direction | | int | (19) |
n_zeta_plot | number of points in plots in \(\zeta\) direction | | int | (19) |
min_theta_plot | minimum of \(\theta\) range for plots | \(1\) | int | |
max_theta_plot | minimum of \(\theta\) range for plots | \(3\) | int | |
min_zeta_plot | minimum of \(\zeta\) range for plots | | int | (20) |
max_zeta_plot | minimum of \(\zeta\) range for plots | | int | (20) |
plot_size | size of 2-D plots in inch by inch | \(\left[10,5\right]\) | int(2) | |
ex_plot_style | style how external plots are made
\(1\) | GnuPlot |
\(2\) | Bokeh for 2-D and Mayavi for 3-D |
| \(1\) | int | (21)
concerning Richardson extrapolation |
PB3D_rich_lvl | Richardson level at which to perform post-processing | int | (22)
concerning finding zeros |
max_it_zero | maximum number of iterations in num_ops.calc_zero_hh() and calc_zero_zhang() | \(100\) | int | (9) |
tol_zero | tolerance for zero finding | \(1^{-10}\) | real | (9) |
max_nr_backtracks_HH | maximum number of times the correction can be relaxed by half in a backtrack for the Householder methods | \(20\) | int | (9)
concerning runtime |
max_tot_mem | maximum total memory available to the simulation \(\left[kB\right]\) | 6000 | real | |
POST_style | style how post-processing is done
\(1\) | extended rectangular grid in \(\theta\) and \(\zeta\) |
\(2\) | field-aligned grid used internally by PB3D |
| \(1\) | int | (23) |
plot_grid_style | style used for output plotting
\(0\) | 3-D plots |
\(1\) | slab plots: \(\theta\) and \(\zeta\) are sides of a slab |
\(2\) | slab plots with folding of fundamental interval \(0\ldots 2 \pi\) |
\(3\) | straight cylinder geometry: \(\zeta\) is straightened |
| \(0\) | int | (23) |